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The Relay Version (Brodcast Version in EU) is a program created for DS Download Stations that are the only way for you to Obtain the monkey villagers. If you have a game card or a ROM of it, put it on a DS and enter it, in your copy of Animal Crossing release a message in a bottle and go into Contact Mode, then follow this guide to get the monkey and nintendo item of your choosing


Broadcast Version (EU) Guide


MNK00 - Champ and Flagpole

MNK01 - Super Mushroom

MNK02 - Simon and Starman (item)

MNK03 - Mushroom Mural

MNK04 - Tammi and Cannon

MNK05 - Elise and Pikmin



MNK00 - ? Block

MNK01 - Nana and ? Block

MNK02 - ? Block

MNK 03 - Brick Block

MNK04- Monty and Brick Block

MNK05 - Brick Block


Relay Version (US)

MNK00 - Champ and ? Block

MNK01 - Nana and 1-up Mushroom

MNK02 - Simon and Green Pipe

MNK03 - Tammi and Flag Pole

MNK04 - Monty and Fire Bar

MNK05 - Elise and Starman (item)


Version 1.1.1

Page Last Updated May 12th, 2024