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In Animal Crossing Wild World, Redd, a fox character, visits your town weekly on a designated day, setting up his tent to peddle overpriced goods. While most of his merchandise mirrors what's available at Tom Nook's store, occasionally he offers exclusive, rare items that earn you a bonus with the HRA. Generally, it's wise to avoid his offerings unless you have a strong desire for something specific or it's a rare find. Redd collaborates with Lyle, the insurance agent, allowing you to select the day he appears. Initially, you'll need to obtain his password from a villager or utilize the Crazy Redd Password Guide down below. Subsequent purchases are restricted until you become part of Redd's "family," accomplished by paying 3,000 bells. Once you're in, you're free to purchase as you please. Beware, some of Redd's art may be counterfeit, with the only way to verify its authenticity being an attempt to donate it to the museum.

Redd's Passwords

Question Ask and you shall

Answer be charged


Question An open wallet

Answer is often empty


Question Bottom dollar

Answer top dog


Question Crazy Redd

Answer is 35


Question Even robbers

Answer have safes


Question Get an education

Answer or win it big


Question Fan in one hand

Answer cash in other


Question Foot in the door

Answer eye on prize


Question Gold ingots?

Answer Redd Bells


Question Neighbor Raccoon

Answer one ugly fellow


Question For my fans

Answer shop here again


Question Give 2 cents

Answer ask for change


Question Head in the sand

Answer find something


Question Hot and cold

Answer money makes it



Question Healthy souls

Answer can be bought


Question I'm all alone

Answer but I have cash


Question Thankless task

Answer goes unpaid



Question Life Expectancy

Answer Redd is 35


Question Look at people

Answer wallets full


Question No money

Answer means no fun


Question Roses have

Answer high prices


Question Turn back

Answer what'd you miss


Question Rough childhood

Answer lax adulthood


Question Someone to wed

Answer  no way Nook



Question Spoiled rotten

Answer bean curd


Question Talk is cheap

Answer so is Redd


Question The grass is greener

Answer on my side


Question The pen

Answer is cheaper


Question: Tom Nook

Answer one ugly fellow


Question Top dollar

Answer top dog


Question Spoiled rotten

Answer bean curd


Question Courage is nice

Answer cash is freedom


Question: What's inside

Answer: is fabulous


Question The cat's away

Answer mice shop


Question Why buy the cow

Answer get milk here



Version 1.1.1

Page Last Updated May 12th, 2024